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10 Days - 9 Nights Holy Land Tour

Day 1: Amman Airport - Jordan

Queen Alia Airport - Amman, Jordan.

Day 2: Amman

Upon arrival at Amman, we proceed to Mount Nebo (Mt. Nebo is presumed to be the site of Moses’s death and burial place. On top of the mountain is a Franciscan Church with beautiful 4th and 6th century mosaics.) Where the prophet Moses was given a view of the Promised Land that God was giving to the Israelites. According to the final chapter of Deuteronomy 34: 1, “And Moses went up from the plains of Moab to Mount Nebo the top of Pisgah which is opposite Jericho...” According to Bible Moses was buried on this mountain by God Himself. Moses was 120 years old at the time of his death. We will also see the Brazen Serpent Monument atop Mount Nebo which is symbolic of the bronze serpent created by Moses in the wilderness. (Numbers 21: 4-9) Pope John Paul visited the site during his pilgrimage to the Holy Land on March 20, 2000 and Pope Benedict XVI visited the site on May 9, 2009. We spend some time here meditate the readings from Old Testament and then proceed to hotel. Dinner and overnight stay at Amman

Day 3: Nazareth

Now it is time to say goodbye to the Prophet Moses’ land and enter to Israel, we say the Holy Land and by all means it is true! After breakfast we will be crossing the border of Jordan to Israel through Sheikh Hussein Border. After lunch we go to Nazareth, the childhood home of our Lord Jesus and according to the Gospel of Luke chapter 1:26 Nazareth was the home village of Joseph and Mary and also the site of the Annunciation (when Mary was told by the angel Gabriel that she would bear the Son of God Jesus as her son). Nazareth is now the centre of Christian Pilgrimage with many shrines commemorating biblical events. Then we visit Cana where Jesus performed His first Public Miracle (John 2:1-11) by turning of a large quantity of water into wine at a wedding feast. Check in to hotel, dinner and overnight stay at Nazareth.

Day 4: Bethlehem

Now we are in to the most important days of our pilgrimage and after breakfast we check out and proceed to Mount Tabor. Mount Tabor is first mentioned in the book of Joshua chapter 19:22. Mount Tabor is significant in New Testament where the transfiguration of Jesus took place. Capernaum is considered to be the home of Apostles Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John as well as the tax collector Mathew. We make a brief halt at St. Peter's house, the Church of Primacy of Peter and the place where Jesus bestowed St. Peter with His authority (Matthew 16-19). This is believed to be the place where Jesus dined with His disciples. The flat rock known as Mensa Christ or Christ's table commemorates this event. Mensa Christy is another place where Jesus appeared to his disciples after the resurrection and dined with them. After having St Peter’s fish with the lunch we proceed to the Sea of Galilee which is the largest fresh water lake in Israel.
After the boat ride, we will drive around the Sea of Galilee to the Jordan River Baptismal site where we will have the opportunity of renewing our baptism vows. En route we will stop near the Mount of Temptation where Jesus being tempted by satan (Mathew 4:1-11). It is generally identified with Mount Qurantania and Jebel Quarantul, both names arise from mispronunciation of the Latin word Quarentena, meaning 40, the number of days in Christ’s fast in the desert. Later we pass through the Sycamore tree where Zacheus sat (Luke 19:1-10) Check in to hotel, dinner and overnight stay at Bethlehem.

Day 5: Bethlehem

Today we come face to face with the final goal of Jesus own journey to Jerusalem as we follow in his footsteps to walk the Way of the Cross. We begin by entering the walled city by the magnificent Damascus/Lion’s Gate. We then walk to the Crusader Church of St. Anne, a Roman Catholic Church erected over the traditional site of the birth place of Anne (Hannah) the mother of Mary, is an excellent example of Romanesque Architecture. The Church is next to the Bethesda Pool where Jesus healed a paralytic (John 5:1-18). Here you can see the ruins of the Roman Temple to the God of Medicine and remains of Byzantine Church built over the Temple. 
Then we continue to pray the Stations of the Cross along the Via Dolorosa (Way of Grief) (Mark 15:1-47), traditionally accepted as the last route trodden by Jesus. Follow the 14 Stations of the Cross to Golgotha, the place where Jesus was crucified marking significant events along the route. We will see the Pilate's Judgment hall; the Chapel of the Flagellation where, according to tradition, the Roman soldiers scourged Jesus and placed a crown of thorns on His head the Ecce Homo Arch and the Convent of the Sisters of Zion. Early tradition held that Pontius Pilate stood here and thundered "Ecce Homo!" Which means "Behold the man?" Which is what Pilate said when he presented Jesus to the crowd? However, we now know that pagan Emperor Hadrian constructed the arch. Below the Convent are the Lithotrities where Jesus was publicly tried and where the Roman soldiers mocked him. The last 5 Stations of the Cross are inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher built over the Golgotha, the place of crucification visible from the distance, with its two silver domes. Easily the most celebrated, yet most contentious, church in Christendom, the Holy Sepulcher contains the traditional sites of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus under one roof, site of the Calvary. 

Day 6: Jerusalem

Today being the last day in Jerusalem, after breakfast we go to the Mount of Olives where the Chapel of Ascension is situated which commemorates the ascent of Jesus to Heaven. The Church of Pater Noster where according to tradition, lays the cave where Jesus brought his disciples and spoke to them about the mystery of the end. It is also believed to be the place; Jesus gave the Lord's Prayer to his disciples (Matt 6:9-13). 
Then we go to the Palm Sunday Road where Jesus makes a triumphant entry to Jerusalem - an event mentioned in four Canonical Gospels. (Mathew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-40, John 12: 12-19), then we stop at the Chapel of Dominius Flevit, where Jesus wept over the imminent destruction of Jerusalem (Luke 19:41- 44). The chapel is built in the shape of a tear as a reminder to this event. and from there walk down the Palm Road to Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prayed while Judas betrayed him to the Romans (Luke 22:39-46).Take a look at Olive trees in the garden which are more than 100 years old.
Visit the Basilica of the Agony (Church of all Nations), which stands out from afar. From there a short drive to Mount Zion, to visit the room of the Last Supper- where we remember the last supper and the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles on Pentecost) and the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles.
Our next attraction here is the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu. The church takes its name from the Latin word “Gallicantu” meaning cock crow. This is in commemoration of Peter’s triple rejection of Jesus. Mark 14:66-72. The church is believed to be the location of Caiaphas house. After visiting Tomb of Virgin we proceed to the Shepherds field where the angel appeared and announced the birth of Jesus Christ to the Shepherds. At the entrance of the Church it is written “Gloria in Excelsis Deo” meaning Glory to God in the Highest. In Luke 2:8-20 we can see the description in detail. And now this is the time to go to the Church of Nativity, the birth place of our Lord. We will also visit the Grotto of St. Jerome who lived and worked in Jerusalem from 384 AD and he was buried in a cave beneath the church of Nativity. Now we go the Milk Grotto is a serene grotto only a few minutes walk from the Manger Square. The tradition says that the Holy Family took refuge here during the slaughter of the innocents. Being this as our last day in Jerusalem we say thanks to our Lord. Proceed to hotel, dinner and overnight stay at Bethlehem.

Day 7: St. Katharine

Breakfast at hotel. Check-out Hotel. Proceed to Taba. On the way the shores of the Dead Sea view Qumran, the caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. Continue south to Saddom and Gamora and watch Lots wife’s Pillar of Salt. We proceed via the beautiful city of Eilat situated on the banks of Red Sea. After lunch we travel to Taba Border (Egypt) which is at the southern tip of Israel. We will meet our representative upon our arrival at the border and after immigration and visa formalities we start our journey by road in the land of Moses. Arrive late in the evening at St. Katharine located in Sinai.Dinner and overnight stay at hotel in 
St. Katharine.

Day 8: Cairo

After breakfast this morning we drive to visit the famous Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19) where Moses received the Ten Commandments from GOD. Visit the famous St. Katharine Monastery at the foot of Mt. Sinai where we visit the Moses Well and the ever famous Burning Bush (Exodus 3:1-6), a tree of its kind in the whole world. Take an opportunity to pray and click memorable snaps with the Burning bush. We then start a scenic 6 hours bus journey to Cairo. On the way get a view of the place of Elim (Exodus 15:27) and the place of Rephidim (Exodus 17:8-13).After lunch we see the likely place where the Red Sea had parted. On our way we visit the Springs of Moses (The water of Marah) (Exodus15:22-25).We drive through the Ahmed Hamdi Tunnel built below the famous Suez Canal and enter the Asian part of Egypt. Dinner and Overnight stay at hotel in Cairo.

Day 9: Cairo

After breakfast we visit the famous Egyptian Museum, which houses more than 2,50,000 antique pieces covering the whole history of ancient Egypt, which extends over the past five thousand years. Later we proceed to Old Cairo, where we visit an important church called the Abu Serge Church built on the house where the Holy Family lived during their stay in Egypt. After lunch we visit the shops of Egyptian Perfumes, Papyrus paper, Egyptian souvenirs and Egyptian cotton. Late evening we go for a 2 hrs memorable Nile Cruise to see the Folkloric show with Belly Dancer and Dinner on board. Overnight stay at hotel in Cairo.

Day 10: Back home.

After breakfast we visit the Pyramids of Giza, one of the only existing Wonders of the Ancient World. Take an opportunity to click snaps with the ever famous Pyramids. We then visit the statue of Sphinx located nearby the Pyramids. After this we are transferred to the airport for our flight back home.

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